'Stay hungry, stay foolish'
'You've got to find what you love'
"Yourtime is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't betrapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people'sthinking."
米国 Apple Computer、Pixar Animation Studios CEO Steve Jobs氏による祝賀スピーチ中の言葉である。
iPod及びiTunes MusicStoreとその関連サービスが隆盛を極める今日、Apple社の歴史について詳しい北米や日本のIT業界関係者を除き、先進各国社会の大部分の人々にとって、AppleComputer社とは留まる事を知らぬ圧倒的な成長力で競合他社を駆逐してゆく米国の『多国籍、勝ち組企業群』の象徴であり、そのカリスマ的経営者であるCEO SteveJobs氏については、iPod/ITMSの大成功と絡めて、その輝かしい経営手腕が賞賛と羨望の眼差しで見つめられることが多い。
社内の権力闘争に破れ、全てを失った彼が、後に現在のMac OS Xの基礎となる革新的OS NeXT STEPを生み出すNeXT社を、そして全編フルCGAnimation映画の嚆矢となるToy Storyを生み出すPixar社を立ち上げる事に成功するとは、当時何人の関係者が予測出来ただろうか。
このスピーチ原稿を読む事で、より多くの人々が、Steve Jobsという機智溢れる一人のアメリカ人、そして彼が天才エンジニアStevenWozniak氏と二人でカリフォルニアのガレージから造り上げたAppleという会社の創造力そして生命力の原点を垣間見る事が出来れば、それは私の望外の喜びです。
{初出記事} 'Transcript of Jobs' commencement speech' from Slashdot.org
by trudyscousin on Tuesday, June 14th, 2005
{Steve Jobs氏祝賀スピーチ日本語訳}
Tom Sato's Blog/ Livedoor Blog
Nikkei BP Security Japan
{スタンフォード大学プレス記事} Stanford Report, June 12, 2005
Steve Jobs to 2005 graduates: 'Stay hungry, stay foolish'
"Drawingfrom some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chiefexecutive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of PixarAnimation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see theopportunities in life's setbacks—including death itself—at theuniversity's 114th Commencement on Sunday in Stanford Stadium".
...Jobs delivered a keynote address that spanned his adoption at birth tohis insights into mortality after being diagnosed with pancreaticcancer about a year ago.
... his address struck a balance betweenthe obstacles... and the lessons he has gleaned—for example, from hishigh-profile ousting in 1985 from the computer company he helped start.
"Ididn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple wasthe best thing that could have ever happened to me," said Jobs, 50. "Itfreed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life."....
{Video} Steve Jobs challenges Class of '05 to 'stay hungry, stay foolish.'
...Steve Jobs urged Stanford graduates to follow their hearts. Apancreatic cancer survivor, he told the Class of '05, "Your time islimited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trappedby dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking."
{Transcript} 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says
...the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, on June 12, 2005.
technorati tags:steve_jobs, apple, ipod, mac, NeXT, trivia, IT, history, silicon_valley, technology
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